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This is what we offer:

1:1 music sessions for children, teens and adults

Our 1:1 music sessions are bespoke and will vary in content depending on you or child. You might want a piano focus, or you might want to try lots of different activities... like pick and mix! This might include movement, singing, drawing, telling musical stories, field recording, composing, improvising on piano and percussion and learning some lovely relaxation techniques. 

We have Pay As You Go sessions during schools hours and on Thursday evenings if you can't  commit to weekly sessions.


Buddy music sessions for 4-8s (for 2 children)
Our buddy sessions provide the perfect setting for your  children to begin their musical journeys. Our  focus is on learning music from the inside out so we're not yet learning to read music... we learn to speak before we read! So lots of movement and chanting to get our bodies feeling rhythm, lots of singing to learn how melody works and then we explore lots of different instruments and start learning the geography of the piano keyboard. The sessions are fun for their own sake but also are a great introduction to the piano. You don't need a piano at home for them to be worth while but they might  well want to keep exploring at home so some kind of keyboard would be wonderful. The sessions are done in half term blocks with an initial taster session so our group can stabilise and relationships can be formed.

Family Sessions

Do you have young children who struggle in large groups? Our family sessions are for parents/carers and children of 0-4 years and involve singing, dancing, drawing and playing instruments. The aim is to expose these wee ones to music in lots of different styles, metres and tonalities so they are ready to leap into music making of their own once they are ready.

 Piano for Wellbeing 1:1 and group sessions

Our Piano for Wellbeing Sessions are for adults and teens who are too busy for regular sessions but need some music and relaxation in their lives! They work whether you have never played before or maybe did when you were younger and would like to have a lovely improv session, enjoying the sounds you can make and the feeling of making music with someone else. This video give you a flavour of the session:

Humming Sessions

These lovely sessions are for you if you to find a way to relax but find traditional meditation difficult. We start with a lovely breathing practise, then explore how humming can be beneficial in helping us regulate our nervous systems. It's scrumptious!

Holiday Musical Chillout Sessions

These are for you if your child can't manage sessions during term time but would like a bit of music time every once in a while. Keep an eye out for what we have coming up on our homepage.

If any of that takes your fancy, do get in touch or sign up to our newsletter!



Exciting Easter holiday plans coming soon!

Flautino Music School provides piano and recorder lessons and music therapy sessions for children with learning difficulties in Lanchester, County Durham. Flautino Events promotes exciting concerts in unusual venues through the north east of England.

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