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Do you do piano lessons?

If you're looking for traditional piano lessons that focus on reading sheet music, I'm probably not the right person for you. 

I think the piano is amazing instrument for learning about how music works. You don't have to worry about being in tune (if your piano's in tune!), all the notes are there in front of you, and you can play lots of notes at once, which can sound great!

I use piano as one of my tools for sharing music. You can come for sessions that either involve lots of piano, or no piano at all. 

If you want to do lots of piano, we'll still incorporate lots of movement, singing, chanting and our focus will be on creating our own music rather than reproducing other people's. 

So our sessions might look very different to what you might expect from a piano lesson. However, I do believe they also give a really good grounding in music if you do want to go on to take piano really seriously (with someone else!). 

My child is autistic... can you  cater for them?

Absolutely! I'm actually waiting for an autism assessment myself. I'm all about meeting people where they're at. Each session we choose together what our focus will be. That might include dancing, singing, mini sound baths, improvisation with percussion instruments or piano, drawing music, playing music outside... it's a joint venture and we work with where we're at on the day. No pressure. No targets. No assessments. Just exploration and play.

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